Refurbed Logo in white color
Refurbed Logo in white color

Jakov-Lind-Straße 7
1020 Wien

Gerichtstand: Handelsgericht Wien
Firmenbuchnummer: FN590622m
UID: ATU79334819
Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter:
Jürgen Riedl, Kilian Kaminski
, Peter Windischhofer

Refurbed Marketplace GmbH

© 2022 refurbed Marketplace GmbH. All rights reserved

Über 1.000.000 Kund*innen vertrauen uns bereits.

refurbed ermöglicht Menschen nachhaltige Elektronik zu einem fairen Preis zu nutzen.

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Über 500.000 Kund*innen vertrauen uns bereits.

EN: Terms and Conditions

The 5% voucher ('MACBOOK25') can only be redeemed before completing the checkout process and exclusively by private individuals until February 3, 2025, on Post-purchase payment or processing is not possible. The voucher is only valid for products from the following range: MacBooks. The voucher can only be used once and cannot be combined with other discount offers. Cash payments are excluded. If the right of return is exercised, the discounted purchase price will be refunded. There is no entitlement to a refund or replacement of the voucher.